Tuesday, August 7, 2018

RPG a Day: Day 7

Day 7:
How can a GM make the stakes important?

Today I’ll keep things shot.

One thing that has frustrated me when I was a player was feeling that my actions had no real consequences. If I saved residents of a town, only for them to be killed a couple sessions later that destroys the sense of stakes.

That’s why I always make the thing the players do matter, what they do affects them, sometimes negatively, and that gives the world a sense of stakes. Of course if players felt like they could live through any encounter then any real sense of stakes would evaporate. That’s why I will put them into situations that could potentially get a character killed. Sometimes even a near brush with death will have lasting consequences for a player.

Of course you can’t overdo it. If a put your players in life threatening situations and constantly kill them off it has the opposite effect, making nothing matter.

It’s a balance that must be found, but if you find it your players will be wholly invested in your world.

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